Die Mindestanzahlung, die für eine Immobilienfinanzierung in Dubai erforderlich ist, hängt von mehreren Faktoren ab, u. a. davon, ob Sie in Dubai ansässig sind oder nicht, und davon, ob Sie bereits eine Hypothek in den VAE haben.
How much is mortgage down payment for Residents?
For residents without an existing mortgage, the minimum down payment is generally lower compared to non-residents and residents with an existing mortgage.
How much is mortgage down payment for Non-Residents?
Non-residents and individuals with an existing mortgage in the UAE typically face higher down payment requirements due to perceived higher risks by lenders.
To discuss your individual case and explore the most suitable options based on your circumstances, we invite you to uns zu kontaktieren. One of our financing experts will get in touch with you to provide personalized advice and guidance tailored to your specific needs.